Matrix 16
Group work, Member:
Ariel Li, Panhuili Cheng, Cleo Zhang, Yikai Wang
This is a large-scale on-site assembled art installation, completed by four people, the installation aims to explore the properties of materials, does something that looks heavy have to be really heavy, and vice versa, does something that looks light have to be equally light? We made the light wooden frame very large and painted it with black paint, and we used heavier wood for the small one, and attached a metal block to counterweight it, and we swapped the big one and the small one by pulling a strap in the middle of the installation. By pulling the straps in the middle of the installation, the large and small wooden frames are swapped, and it is logical to think that the larger one will be heavier, but in fact, the height of the smaller one will be reduced due to the heavier weight. Through this installation, we hope to express that materials have their own special properties and magic, and that our perceptions of materials should be more diversified, and that stereotypes are often a limitation.