The project explores the nature of thinking - questioning, in the form of an architectural language, expressed through the medium of the window, which in architecture often represents an interface for interaction and breathing, a channel of communication and a breathing valve, and thinking, on the other hand, on a deeper level, in a state of egolessness /emptiness, a critical point of emptiness and chaos, as in Plato's allegory of the cave and its interpretation.
Type: Installation Art
Medium: foamboard / cold light / stone / flocked cloth

Phenomenology, in Husserl's conception, is primarily concerned with the systematic reflection on and study of the structures of consciousness and the phenomenon that appear in acts of consciousness
Second, in its most basic form, phenomenology attempts to create conditions for the objective study of topics usually regarded as subjective: consciousness and the content of conscious experiences such as judgements, perceptions and emotions.
It actually is a phenomenology of the imagination, by this should be understood a study of the phenomenon of the poetic image when It emerges into the consciousness as a direct product of the heart, soul and being of man, apprehended in his actuality.